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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Monday, 18 January 2016

Zvezda 1/72 Roman Trireme & Strelets 1/72 Roman Ranks Ceremonial March WIP (pt 1)


Since my last non-post, I have found a way of  transferring photos from my recently resetted phone through alternate means, thanks to internet transfer.

So here is something I teased a while back. I actually got this ship as a birthday gift back in April, but only recently photographed it! It is not entirely finished (hence the WIP), but is very far progressed.

And the figures were a surprise from my kind brother this Christmas. I have already knocked down quite a few, and am planning on buying the other imperial one I don't have, to really bolster my armies!

One last note, I am experimenting with my new style of painting figures, only putting a dark wash on dark parts, and instead using shading on the other parts. The flesh is fulfilled through a Flesh Wash, one of the best investments I've ever made!

I am working on finding a better way to photograph figures, as I find my current overpowering white backdrop isn't letting their details and colors truly show. If anyone has any tips please share them.

Thank you very much for reading, and have a good day!


  1. Beautiful! Very, very impressive and inspiring.

  2. What a fantastic model, excellent job!

  3. Thank you everyone, I put quite a lot effort into this one, and am glad to see it paid off. It will look even better when it's done!

